Issue 3 (52)

Year 2016 Number 3(52)
Pages 70-78 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470.5)”19” BBK 63.3(235.55)531
Authors Ustyugova Vera V.
Summary The paper draws a portrait of an Art Nouveau period woman in a Russian city, demonstrating the influences of urbanization processes, the effect of the Art Nouveau style, and the new urban entertainment culture. The Perm province was chosen as a case study, including the documents and articles from the collections of the Perm Regional History Museum, memoirs and periodicals, documentary films and photos. The “Belle Epoque” which owed its existence to the industrial revolution and modernization of society potentially offered various opportunities for women. These opportunities were related to professionalization of the society structure, greater focus on nuclear family, and the growth of individualism. Changes in the quality of life in large cities were a result of the development of public transport, means of communication and urban utilities infrastructure, as well as mechanization of labor and a wide choice of commodities. The leading style of the turn of the 19th–20th centuries — Art Nouveau — influenced many aspects of everyday life of women. It was not only the wealthy ladies who ordered construction of Art Nouveau houses and owed the dainty articles made in this style; the collections of the Perm Regional History Museum gave evidence of the popularity of Art Nouveau objects in all social strata. Balls, public events and charitable actions were decorated in the new style. The Belle Époque entertainment culture was complemented by new fashionable dances, sports activities, and variety theater performances. The role of fashion trends designers was played by popular magazines, photos and cinematography; at the same time some personal sources, including texts written by women indicated the growing emphasis on personality and private life values.
Keywords Women of the Russian province, modernist style, urbanism, Belle Époque, Art Nouveau, private life, city entertaining culture, cinema

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