Issue 4 (57)

Year 2017 Number 4 (57)
Pages 130-135 Type scientific article
UDC 903.23 BBK 63.444
Authors Gordienko Alexei V.
Prichodko Irina N.
Summary The excavations of the settlement of Krasny Yar received collection of artifacts, which allocated 150 pottery vessels of the middle ages (for the rim). The purpose of this paper is to consider the ceramic complex of the settlement Krasny Yar and to submit it to interpretation. The aim of this article is to analyze statistical information ceramic complex of the settlement Krasny Yar main parameters — the shape of vessels, the shape of the rim, their ornamentation, the impression outside and inside, ornament. The last (ornament) is considered in detail. The results revealed that the ceramic complex of the settlement Krasny Yar into two groups. The first ceramic group vessels with combed decoration and cord. The second ceramic vessels ornamented only by combed decoration. In the first group of ceramics (lace closure natural–comb) cord prevails in the decor. His multilayered prints make up the Central field in the ornament, occupying the entire neck of the vessel. The comb in this group complements the corded ornament. By way of application of a comb we can distinguish several subgroups of vessels. Basically the field is complemented by corded stripes zigzag comb (30 %). Also, the comb composed of straight and/or inclined stripe (11 %); or comb forms a band of crosses, rarely mesh (8 %). In a fourth subset of allocated vessels with stripes “triple” cord (25 %). Also observed correlation on the basis of «form of the vessel — pattern». Installed that in the first group presented only a pot vessels, the second the pots and bowls. In conclusion, based on the analysis of the ceramic complex of the settlement Krasny Yar the conclusion of a two component population of the settlement. The first group of vessels (with combed decoration and cord) is related to Batyrskaya culture (6–10th centuries). The second group of vessels is related to Molchanovkaya culture (6–9th centuries). Coexisted in the settlement Krasny Yar, the representatives of the Molchanovskoye and batyrskaya crops in the 8–9th centuries.
Keywords Ceramic complex, middle ages, settlement, excavations, ornamentation ceramics, Batyrskaya culture, Molchanovkaya culture

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