Issue 1 (58)

Year 2018 Number 1(58)
Pages 45-54 Type scientific article
UDC 903.26:39 BBK 63.442.12(235.55)+63.(253.3)
Authors Bobrov Vladimir V.
Summary The article offers some new versions for the interpretation of the Great Shigir Idol erection. It describes the possible methods for the wooden sculpture positioning and fixation in the sacred places of the Mansi people living in the Trans-Ural taiga. In accordance with the art studies criteria the Shigir Idol belongs to the monumental sculpture category. Its Mesolithic age justifies its positioning in the beginning of the line of monumental sculpture of the preliterate period in the history of Eurasia represented with the pre-Yamnaya statues, the Chemurchek and the Okunev culture images, the Scythian time 'deer stones', and the stone images of the Middle Ages. The iconography of the anthropomorphic imagery of the Great Shigir Idol in synthesis with its ornamental pattern demonstrated the existence of a mature figurative tradition. Despite the existing theories about the origins of the Ural's Mesolithic the author believes that the figurative tradition represented in the Shigir Idol could have formed within the local taiga environment as opposed to the handicrafts or the ornamental art traditions. The discussion of the problem of the possible long-term existence of this tradition is preceded by the review of the ways of the anthropomorphic images distribution in the art of the Neolithic, the Bronze and the Early Iron Age cultures in Northern Eurasia, as well, as the review of the general trends of the figurative traditions evolution. However the problem of the survival of the Mesolithic figurative tradition in wooden sculpture till the modern and the contemporary periods among the modern indigenous peoples of Western Siberia cannot be solved so far on the basis of the available archaeological sources. The author provides arguments in favor of this thesis and offers an original hypothesis for addressing the problem.
Keywords Mesolithic, idol, monumental sculpture, pictorial tradition, sanctuary, art, Ural, Western Siberia

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