Issue 2 (59)

Year 2018 Number 2(59)
Pages 135-142 Type scientific article
UDC 903.27(470.57) BBK 63.442.12(235.55)
Authors Tataurov Sergei F.
Tataurova Larissa V.
Samigulov Gayaz Kh.
Summary Mica was widely used in Russia in the 17th–18th centuries as the material inserted into the window frames. Thin mica plates were translucent, so that daylight penetrated into the room. Materials of archaeological study of the Tara town and nearest settlements allow to reconstruct some characteristic features of using mica during this period. At an early stage of the town history (1595–1629) mica windows were used only for churches and houses of rich citizens. By the end of the 17th century mica became quite accessible for the ordinary townsfolk and population of surrounding villages. As result of regular fi res in 18th century Tara was re-planed and the main part of city constructions became made by stone. In the second half of 18th century four churches and a significant number houses were built by stone. Stone construction and availability of window glass led to a gradual replacement of mica by the end of the 18th century. Archaeological finds in Tara. Allowed to reconstruct main characteristics of mica windows. Were reconstructed the large composite mica window from the church of St. Boris and Gleb which burnt in a fire in 1629. Archival and bibliographic researches allowed to find out that since the first third of the 17th century mica was produced in the Ural. By the end of this century, the mine were already industrial in scale. The extract of mica was conducted until the end of the 18th century. There is a high probability that the Ural mica was used by residents of Tara town and it surroundings.
Keywords Tara, 17th–18th centuries, mica window, archaeology, craft, reconstruction, trade

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