Issue 1 (62)

Year 2019 Number 1(62)
Pages 17-27 Type scientific article
UDC 903.48(470.5) BBK 63.442.6(235.55)
Authors Koryakova Lyudmila N.
Panteleeva Sofya E.
Summary In the domestication of water resources there are two main strategies. A passive strategy covers many adaptive kinds of the surface water resources usage. An active strategy includes actions to save drinking water, as well as its extraction and use in various sectors of the economy. Artificial wells for obtaining water, as a manifestation of an active strategy, are early hydrotechnical structures. The article gives a brief excursion into the history of the origin of the tradition of the construction of shaft wells, related in time and in essence to the Neolithic revolution in the Middle East, from where they spread to Europe. In Eurasia, early wells are associated with the Bronze Age settlements. They occur in the settlements of the Sintashta, Alakul, Srubna, Cherkaskul cultures, and for the most part they are characteristic of the steppe zone, but are also found in the forest-steppe. The article also examines various aspects of studying the wells of the sixth excavation unit of the Kamenny Ambar fortified settlement. A brief description of the studied wells is given, their relationship with residential buildings, parameters, design, chronology and cultural attribution are analyzed. The problem of their functional purpose is discussed as well.
Keywords archaeology of settlements, Syntashta-Petrovka period, Srubno-Alakul period, Bronze Age, South Trans-Urals, wells, water

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