Issue 1 (66)

Year 2020 Number 1(66)
Pages 93-102 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470)“18/19” BBK 63.3(2)53
Authors Neklyudov Eugeniy G.
Summary During the preparation of the Great Reforms in the 1860s two alternative models for the development of the organizational foundations of the Russian mining industry were developed. One of them, proposed by mining specialists, suggested preserving the special status of this strategically important sector of the economy and the participation of the state represented by the mining department in its organization. At the same time, traditional institutions were significantly updated in the ways of promoting private enterprise. The second model, proposed by miners and liberal economists, decisively broke with tradition and by legal conditions brought “mining” closer to the other sectors of Russia’s industry. The mining department was to be liquidated, its functions were to be distributed among several ministries. The inconsistency of the general concept of transformations made M. Ch. Reitern, a finance minister, abandon the one-time reform in favor of “partial changes” determined “according to the direction of experience”. This excluded the mining reform from the declared Great Reforms of the reign of Alexander II. However, an analysis of subsequent transformations showed that this reform conceived in the 1860s would nevertheless take place, acquiring a special form of a process divided into parts and extended over time. At the same time, updating the legal conditions for the development of the Russian mining industry in the second half of the 19th — early 20th centuries followed the first of the two proposed paths, which was a natural consequence of leaving the reform process in the hands of the mining department. As a result, outdated forms of industrial organization were eradicated not by means of their radical breakdown, but by gradual steps, more preferable for improving such complex structures as this sector of the Russian economy was. New conditions for the development of mining industry allowed it to spread over the vast territory of the empire and rise to the industrial level.
Keywords Russian Empire of the second half of the 19th — early 20th centuries, mining industry, mining reform, organization models

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