Issue 3 (68)

Year 2020 Number 3(68)
Pages 134-145 Type scientific article
UDC 001 BBK 63.5
Authors Babenkova Natalia A.
Summary The subject of the study is the analysis of research fields of anthropology and ethnology represented by the dissertation theses with the use of bibliometric techniques. Based on the electronic archives of the Russian State Library and the “Records of Dissertation Abstracts” for 1995–2019, the author analyzes the defended PhD and doctoral dissertation theses in the specialty 07.00.07 “Ethnography, Ethnology and Anthropology”. The outcome of the study was a database including the description of 1,029 dissertations and containing the list of the names of the dissertations authors and the respective research organizations; degree levels; dissertations titles; information about the thesis advisors/consultants and the official opponents; the leading organizations; the dates and places of the thesis defense. The resulting database served as a tool for analyzing the dynamics of the dissertations defense; the topics; the gender ratio; the respective research centers representation; the proportion of the PhD and the doctoral theses in general and within the specific time intervals; the number of dissertations defended with a breakdown by each Dissertations Board; the pool of the thesis advisers, the opponents, and the leading organizations.
Keywords anthropology, ethnology, bibliometric analysis, scientometrics, databases, records of dissertation abstracts

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