Issue 3 (72)

Year 2021 Number 3(72)
Pages 180-189 Type scientific article
UDC 94(47)“19” BBK 63.3(2)6
Authors Surzhikova Natalya V.
Lebedenko Elena Yu.
Summary The article, based on the example of the personal diary of a Soviet provincial woman of the mid-20th century, considers such important problems for cultural history and historical anthropology as genesis and dynamics of the ideas of contemporaries of a particular historical epoch about happiness, love and time. It is shown that in their interpretations presented in T. D. Rozhkova’s diary historically, culturally, socially and personally conditioned propositions peacefully coexisted. The ratio of the typically Soviet, typically feminine, typically intellectual and purely private is not amenable for rigorous assessment. Nevertheless, no matter how tricky the interweaving of the normative and the casual in T. D. Rozhkova’s notions of happiness, love and time was, in general, they certainly gravitated towards a universal understanding of happiness, love and time as the most important aspects of human life, firmly established in the sphere of individual and collective imagination. At the same time, despite the fact that the diarist’s main task was clearly not the task of objectively reflecting reality, her diary turned out to be filled with the zeitgeist. First of all, it is exposed by rhetorical models and narrative templates used by T. D. Rozhkova in her speculations on happiness, love and time — speculations that captured that an ordinary Soviet person lived a rich inner life, and his or her “Sovietness” was not something one-dimensional at all.
Keywords ego-documents, diary, happiness, love, time, creativity, comfort, romanticism, nostalgia, utopia

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