Issue 1 (86)

Year 2025 Number 1 (86)
Pages 71-79 Type scientific article
UDC 94(47)“1941” BBK 63.3(2)62
Authors Zykin Ivan V.
Summary Evacuation — one of the most large-scale processes of the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union in 1941–1945 — is a popular topic for researchers. However, the sectoral section has not been studied enough. Addressing the evacuation of enterprises in certain industries makes it possible to identify the priorities of party-state and economic bodies, the factors that influenced decision-making. The article for the first time analyzes the evacuation of industries for deep processing of wood in 1941: pulp and paper, sulfite-alcohol and hydrolysis industries. The author identifies the key priorities of the party-state and economic bodies: the removal of equipment and workers from the enterprises that were the most advanced technologically and produced unique products. The specific factors that hindered the evacuation are indicated: the location of technologically connected enterprises of different departments on the same site; the actions of regional commissions interested in the longest possible operation of production facilities. The essential role of economic departments in the formation and adjustment of the list of evacuation measures and locations of equipment, materials, and employees is revealed. It is noted that some enterprises were lost due to the enemy troops’ active offensive and a long process of coordination between certain departments and the Council for Evacuation. The loss of production capacity was significant. It is concluded that the relocation of enterprises for deep processing of wood to the rear contributed to the deepening of intra- and inter-industry combination, the creation of unique industries, including those in the country’s eastern regions, where this component of the forest industry had been poorly developed.
Keywords Great Patriotic War, evacuation, forestry industry, pulp and paper industry, sulfite-alcohol and hydrolysis industry, Council for Evacuation

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