Year | 2025 | Number | 1 (86) |
Pages | 169-179 | Type | scientific article |
UDC | 902.2(470.57)“637” | BBK | 63.442.6(235.5) |
Authors | Nasretdinov Ramil R. Gabitov Roman N. |
Summary | The article introduces findings of recently discovered round-plan settlements found in the Bashkir Trans-Urals. These sites expand the area of distribution of the Sintashta-Petrovka type settlements. The discovery of the abovementioned sites has become possible with the application of a remote identification method based on aerial photography survey of the territory. In this case, not only the orthophotoplan, which was a customary practice before, is analyzed, but the microrelief on the digital surface model as well. Another aspect making this finding unique is the complexity and density of the location of the objects. There are three settlements at once located within a limited area, and in the space between them traces of other housing depressions, as well as a burial mound, were identified. The topographical conditions of the location of the settlements are of particular interest - they are all located within the floodplain of the lake. The described example of the identification and study of the discovered settlements demonstrates the possibilities of modern study methods and approaches. Based on the presented methodology for documenting objects, a comprehensive strategy for studying the remaining fortified settlements is proposed. | ||
Keywords | South Urals, Bashkir Trans-Urals, Bronze Age, remote method, round-plan settlements, fortified settlement, Sintashta, predictive model, digital model, microrelief | ||
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